Go Galactic! ~ 18 May 2013

It’s time to go Galactic. The personal planets join hands in Gemini and skip opposite two powerful galactic points, the Great Attractor and the Galactic Center.

In the interest of background, an article on the Galactic Center can be found on my website, using the Galactic Anomalies link. Since no article on the Great Attractor (14 Sag 02, epoch 2000.0) exists there, here are some details about this enigmatic and hugely potent galactic entity:

> What it is remains a mystery.

> It is massive.

> It is one of the top gravitationally powerful points known in astrophysics. Its gravity is so intense, it bends light completely around the body, permitting what is behind the object to be seen.

> It is so massive it is sweeping and streaming in all galaxies and what have you, for 60 megaparsecs on either side of its core, including our galactic structure.

> It emanates energy in all known frequencies.

If a person has natal connections to the Great Attractor:

> Others push them to the center of any work, social or cause-related environment.

> They are expected to demonstrate an all-inclusive, unbiased attitude.

> They are expected to know everything. This effect which remains a complete mystery to the person with the connection.

> There is an innate ability for present-tense psychic perception. There is a clear vision of what will appear over the next hill, around the bend, or when reaching for the nearest horizon.

And upcoming, we have the following transits to these galactic goodies.

Venus opposes the Great Attractor May 21

Collectively a great time for social reform in matters of exclusion, bigotry, financial inequality.

Personally, stretch your objectives. Reach out to new ideas. Respond to the serendipity of life. Try a new food. Check out a film you don’t think you’ll like. Let yourself be drawn to the things that seem to have an inexplicable grasp on your attention. There might just be a reason for that.

Mercury opposes the Great Attractor May 22

It’s a perfect time for laws to be voted in regarding financial matters, elimination of discrimination, and matters of exclusion likely step center stage.

Think outside the box. Then, wrap it round about like a Möbius Strip. Flip the ideas and flip them again into a hypercube. Stretch thinking and consciousness. Perhaps read something truly mind-expanding, but without bias. Rudy Rucker’s The Fourth Dimension, Edwin Abbott’s Flatland, David Bohm’s Wholeness and the Implicate Order and Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions come to mind.

Sit back a spell. Let your grey matter reach out to fill the stretched out space.

Mercury opposes the Galactic Center May 29

Innovations, ideas, progressive concepts abound in the ethers. She/he who leaps at an idea or inspiration, claims it, develops it and puts it to use benefits first. Ideas invoked in this time frame spawn intense competition and copy-catting. While imitation is a form of flattery, infringement is costly. Protect your ideas while realizing they really are the ideas of the Universe, given/grabbed by you, securing your position as a vehicle for Divine Manifestation on planet Earth.

Venus opposes the Galactic Center May 31

Spend time determining the intrinsic value of your ideas, concepts, inventions and creative ventures. Get really clear on the fact: This is your worth. Worth that will be with you way past when the cows come home. It cannot be taken away. It is yours until you give it away, sell it, or ignore it.

Overcome the urge to think that someone else has probably already thought of your latest mind storm and is further down the road in development. Do not disqualify your tracking by believing anyone can or will do the same thing.

Monetize it. Get on with it. The planet needs the innovation.

June 2nd Jupiter opposes the Galactic Center from the Sun’s point of view

The collective thirst for new ideas, clear thinking and inspired guidance reaches a high point. Whether it is realized or not, everyone is on the lookout for new insights that make the proverbial “at the end of the day,” a far, far better place to be.

Earth aligns with the Great Attractor on June 4th

This should be Earth Day really. Maybe with the lingering memory of Earth Day some will be inspired to do things that improve conditions on Earth. This Earth day though, is an annual event, and does best to address environmental concerns, ecological matters, energy entropy, social imbalance, poverty and hunger.

June 13th Jupiter opposes the Galactic Center as seen from Earth

This is when the idea-grabbing potential hits an apex. Some folks will grab ideas, harness them to their “make this work” wagon and ride into town before sundown as heroes from afar. Who will it be? The ideas are up for grabs for all people. And these ideas answer the extremely parched consciousness of souls thirsty for a better world and personal evolution.

Mars opposes the Great Attractor on June 20th

This is an agenda action point. Perhaps some will align with the change of seasons and the Sun’s furthest north or south reach in the sky and get onboard with a loud invocation of Howard Beale from the film classic Network... “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.” You hear that legislators of the planet? You hear that warmongers? You hear that Plutocrats? If loudly and peacefully expressed from those all across the entirety bell curve of culture, economic strata and theology, breakthroughs in the response patterns of those who believe they are the man behind the curtain can occur.

Mars opposes the Galactic Center July 9th

Come on all ye able-bodied, clear-thinking, galactically-inspired humans. Take all the galactic push from the patterns of the last month and a half and get going. There’s no time like now. There’s no time to waste. There is only light to lens into clearer, Universally-inspired images.

Go Galactic! Enlighten Up!